New Haven, Connecticut, has been significantly impacted by substance use disorders and overdose in the past several years. Addiction can have distressing consequences for both individuals and their communities. Growing challenges for people with substance use and mental health problems point to a significant need for drug rehab in New Haven. Learn more about the scope of drug addiction in Connecticut and your options for addiction treatment in New Haven.  

Drug Addiction in New Haven

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s 2020 National Drug Threat Assessment, the opioid crisis has disproportionately affected the Great Lakes and Northeast regions of the United States. States like Connecticut are a hotbed for the distribution and misuse of prescription and illicit opioids. The DEA also reports that fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that’s many times stronger than heroin, has surpassed the heroin market in many areas in New England. Fentanyl and similar synthetic drugs make each day in active addiction potentially life-threatening. The drug is mixed into heroin and other substances to increase their potency, but it can also cause a deadly overdose in people that had no idea they were taking fentanyl. 

In Connecticut, the worst year for overdose deaths was 2019, with 1,202 overdoses, many of which involved opioids. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is thought to have increased the rates of drug addiction and misuse all over the United States. At the same time, the virus stretched resources thin, which may prove to have contributed to higher overdose deaths in many cities through 2020. As of March 2021, researchers were aware of 1,372 overdose deaths in 2020, which is more than a 14% increase from the year before. 

In 2020, New Haven County saw the highest rates of overdose in the state, with 44.8 deaths per 100,000 residents, which was an increase from 36.9 in 2019. Opioids like heroin and fentanyl have significantly affected overdose rates in New Haven over the past several years, and the recent pandemic has created new challenges for people that are struggling with substance use and mental health problems. 

Addiction is a problem that can spread through your life and affect your health, relationships, and financial stability. Access to effective treatment is one of the most important ways to address addiction issues in individuals and communities. 

Delphi Drug Rehab in New Haven

When you’re looking for New Haven drug rehab, there are multiple levels of care to consider. You’ll go through an intake process that involves medical, psychological, and social assessments that are designed to find the best level of care for your needs. Through each level of care, you’ll go through a unique treatment plan that can involve medical treatment, individual therapy, group therapy, and behavioral therapies. Here’s a breakdown of the levels of care you may go through in addiction treatment in New Haven:

  • Detox. Medical detoxification is officially referred to as medically managed intensive inpatient treatment. Detox is designed to help people that are going through uncomfortable or dangerous withdrawal symptoms or medical complications related to withdrawal. Since it is the highest level of care in addiction treatment, you’ll receive 24-hour care from medical professionals. 
  • Inpatient/Residential. Inpatient treatment also involves 24-hour care, but it’s less intensive than medical detox. You’ll receive medical monitoring or clinical care. This level is ideal for people with high-level medical or psychological needs. If you have high risks for relapse, residential treatment may be ideal. 
  • Partial Hospitalization. Partial hospitalization is the highest level of care in outpatient treatment. While you’re able to live independently, you’ll attend 20 or more hours of treatment services each week. This is ideal for people that can live on their own but need high levels of support throughout the week.
  • Intensive Outpatient. Intensive outpatient treatment involves nine or more hours of treatment each week. You’ll attend treatment during the day and live independently in the evening.
  • Outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is the lowest level of care in addiction treatment. It involves fewer than nine hours of treatment each week, but it can be an important step before complete independence in your recovery. 
  • Aftercare. Recovery is a lifelong endeavor, and you should continue to pursue it after formal addiction treatment ends. Delphi aftercare programs can help connect you to community resources, housing, 12-step programs, job placement, and other needs. 

Drug Rehab in New Haven FAQ

If you’ve recognized that you have a substance use problem and you’re interested in finding a drug rehab in New Haven, you may have a few important questions. More specific questions can be answered when you call Delphi, but there are some general questions you can learn right now. Here are some of the most common questions Delphi gets from people that are seeking addiction treatment:

How Long is Rehab?

Addiction treatment is a personalized process. The treatments you go through, and the time it takes for you to complete them depends on your needs. However, addiction is a complex disease, and it takes time for it to be effectively addressed. Detox usually only lasts a week, but it takes longer than that to deal with a drug’s effect on your brain and reward system. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, effective treatment lasts at least 90 days. However, those three months may not be spent in a single level of care. You’ll likely move from higher levels of care like detox or inpatient treatment to lower levels like outpatient treatment.

The length of time you spend in specific levels of care will depend on your needs and progress. At the beginning of treatment, you’ll make a treatment plan with your therapist, and you meet to discuss it at least once every week. If your plan isn’t as effective as it could be, it can be changed or altered.

Do I Have to Travel?

There are many treatment options all over the country, but not everywhere. If you don’t have any treatment options near you or if the ones near you aren’t right for your needs, you will have to travel. In some cases, you may want to travel to your ideal drug rehab, even if you do have options in your hometown. There are benefits to both attending treatment nearby and outside your hometown. Traveling to treatment means being disconnected from your life in active addiction. 

You won’t be around your favorite bars or areas you knew you could get drugs. Removing yourself from your familiar environment can help limit environmental triggers, even though it means having to travel. Still, if you’re looking for drug rehab in New Haven, there are treatment centers in the Delphi network of facilities in Connecticut. 

Does Delphi Provide Transportation?

If you need help getting to a Delphi inpatient treatment center, our admissions specialists can coordinate transportation to and from the airport. However, you’ll need to arrange for regular transportation to and from our outpatient programs.

How Much Does Drug Rehab Cost?

The cost of drug rehab can vary widely depending on several factors. Just like any healthcare procedure or treatment, the cost will depend on the specific services you receive. Since addiction treatment needs to be highly personalized for it to be effective, the costs of treatment can change from person to person. Generally, treatment at a Delphi facility can range from a few thousand to several thousand dollars, depending on services. 

What Insurance Carriers Does Delphi Take?

Delphi facilities are in-network with a select few insurance providers. That means some insurance plans will be easier to get coverage with at a Delphi facility. The insurance verification and claims process will be relatively smooth with those providers. However, Delphi accepts coverage for addiction and mental health services from most private insurance providers. Private insurance providers are insurance companies that are independent of government funding. Delphi does not currently accept coverage from federally funded insurance programs like Medicare or Medicaid in Connecticut.

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